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Details about the vacancies are as follows:-
Name of Post: Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)
No. of posts: 52 (General - 31, SEBC - 16, SC - 05)
Age Limit: 30 Years
Scale of Pay: Rs.9300-34800 ( Grade pay- Rs. 46,00)
Age recreation 05 Years for SC and SEBC; 05 Years for Women applicants belonging to Unreserved category; 10 Years for Women applicants belonging S.C. and S.E.B.C. Category.
Educational Qualifications:
(1) A Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering of a documented University or its comparable qualification documented by the Government of Gujarat.
(2) Having the essential information of Computer Application as given in the Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules,1967.
Procedure of Selection: Preliminary Test and Interview.
Procedure To Apply: Qualified applicants are requisite to Apply Online through http://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/ on or prior to 30/04/2014.
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GSPC) accepting Online Applications from qualified Graduate applicants for the position of Assistant Engineer (Mechanical), Class-2, backlog (Advt. 02/2014-15) for filling up five (05) posts. Qualified Persons apply online on or prior to 30th April 2014.
Name of Post: Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) (Backlog)
No. of posts: 05 (SEBC-04 (Women-01), SC-01)
Age Limit: 30 Years
Scale of Pay: Rs.9300-34800 ( Grade pay- Rs. 46,00)
Educational Qualifications: Same as Above.
Procedure To Apply: Qualified applicants are requisite to Apply Online through http://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/ on or prior to 30/04/2014.
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC), State govt. of Gujarat accepting Online applications for the position of Dowry Prohibition Officer cum Protection Officer Class-II for filling up 26 posts - Qualified applicants apply online on or prior to 25th January 2014.
Advt. No. 114/2013-14
Name of Post: Dowry Prohibition Officer cum Protection Officer, General State Service, Class-II
No. of posts: 26 (UR-15, SEBC-07, SC-01, ST-03) [07 posts kept for Women]
Age Limit: 35 Years
Scale of Pay: Rs.9300-34800 ( Grade pay- Rs. 46,00)
Educational Qualifications:
(1) A Post Graduate Degree in Social Work or Sociology or Psychology obtained from any of the Universities recognized or included by or under the Central or State Act in India or any other educational institution renowned as such or affirmed to be a deemed University under Section- 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or possess an alike qualification recognized by the Government; (And)
(2) (i) At least three years' experience of Social Work or Social Administration in Government or Local Bodies or Government Undertaking Board or Corporation on the position which can be measured comparable to the position ot below the rank of a Senior Clerk, Class- III in the Subordinate Service of the Directorate of Social Defence, (OR) (ii) At least three years' experience of Social Work or Social Administration or in the field related to Social Service of the Registered Non-Government Organisation, (OR) (iii) As a minimum three years' experience on the position associated with Social Services in the Private or Public Sector Organisation which can be measured comparable to the post not below the rank of Senior Clerk, Class- III in the Subordinate Service of the Directorate of Social Defence; (And)
(3) The basic awareness of computer application as given in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967. (And)
(4) Sufficient awareness of Gujarati and/ or Hindi.
Candidates who are interested in any of these jobs can apply online on the following official website http://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/advertisements.html on or before 25/01/2014, can also check complete details regarding to these job openings.
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